JBCN Conf – My Key Takeaways

Some of us Java-users within eDO had the chance to attend to the latest edition of BCN Java Conf and now it’s time to reflect on our experience.

The event was divided into three key areas:

  • Methodologies and processes
  • Cloud and microservices
  • Java world novelties

I have to admit straight up – after several years attending this conference, this is the first time that I’m confident we are one step ahead of the game. 

Tech companies are currently facing crucial challenges that mainly revolve around two things: microservices creation and Cloud migration. To undergo these changes, a great deal of new synergies and processes generation are needed.

The good news here is that we -at eDreams ODIGEO-  already have many of these in place and 100% adopted, others in working process, and just a few in the pipeline as distant yet intriguing challenges to tackle in future. 

Cloud (with its pros and cons), microservices design, work methodologies such as agile and QA mindset are all entirely integrated concepts within eDO’s tech framework – and these were specifically the hottest topics at the JBCN Conf ‘19. 

Some interesting topics and proposals came out within the concepts in process. For example in QA frameworks for productive environments with data persistence, or concepts and ways to develop peer programming. Both topics are in development through different in-house initiatives.

Other concepts worth highlighting are quarkus.io (a Kubernetes Native Java framework), to speed up the services’ startup processes. Also many Java 12 (even 13) features are quite fascinating though distant in almost any company’s current agenda. 

In conclusion, it has been an ideal occasion for us to confirm the level of maturity this company is reaching in terms of software development. I feel we really are on the right track, going hand in hand with the latest cutting-edge trends and championing progress as a key player in tech. 

Xavier Tous, Lead Engineer

Barcelona, Development, Events, Methodologies

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