JBCN Conf – My Key Takeaways

Some of us Java-users within eDO had the chance to attend to the latest edition of BCN Java Conf and now it’s time to reflect on our experience. The event was divided into three key areas: Methodologies and processes Cloud and microservices Java world novelties I have to admit straight up – after several years

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Intent testing with Espresso

Most of the time, talking about intents in Android is talking about launching Activities or even deeplinks. And one thing that was missing since now, was the way to test that a certain interaction with your app opens an activity, no matter the kind. To illustrate the problem, I’m going to present you a real

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Saving time with Sourcery

Some context before we begin. At eDreams ODIGEO, the iOS team is fully committed to testing and making the clean architecture of our iOS apps. We use VIPER architecture because it perfectly fits our needs. We are quite a big team, and with this architecture we are able to reach a homogeneous codebase, being able

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Clean architecture on Android

We all know that writing good software is tough and difficult, it’s not only about functional requirements, but also about robustness, maintainability, scalability and testability. In the android native team at eDreams ODIGEO, we researched about which architecture could be the best to solve our problems and to help us deliver quality software. Here is

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