BCN New Space
With the new BCN offices comes also a new improved network, based on the Production quality standards and with the scope on high availability and better performance.
With this network we will be able to move to any of the BCN offices and maintain our network configuration and permission using our Windows username.
Also we have focused on keeping the PCI security standards, every ethernet port is configured dynamically based on the permissions, which allows us to protect all the network without restrictions on the access.
During these weeks of hard work the Infrastructure network team has been designing, installing and configuring a new network design.
The design is based on stack redundancy and virtual switches, like the production platform, we have a Core stack on COLT datacenter composed of CISCO 3850X switches.
Each office is connected with two Distribution switches CISCO 4500X to the Core switch using a redundant link and virtual switching. Moreover, on every zone we have a rack with a stack of two CISCO 2960X connected to the distribution switch. These access switches provide the network access to all the users, wireless access points and other devices in the zone.
All the network devices are protected by batteries that can keep the office working for one hour without external power.